tisdag 8 september 2009

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Solander - “Looking for Gold
Solander - “Prayer to God” (Shellac cover)
Ny skiva släpps på Tendervision den 16 oktober.

 Hospitalet - “California Girls” (The Magnetic Fields cover)
Ny demo på gång. Som enligt egen utsago “INTE kommer att låta” så här.

  Parker Lewis – “Ingen så blå
Spår från nya EPn Rak som en pil som firas med releasefest på Pluto i Gröndal den 18 september. Love Antell står för andrastämman (och han har också gjort det Pirinen-aktiga omslaget).

  Band In Box - “Quarrel
Band In Box - “B33
“B33 is also known as the (dark) horsehead nebula. It's located just in front of the emission nebula IC 434 somewhere around the left star in Orion's Belt. I don't really care about where it can be found, I just can't let go of picture of it. It's a giant horsehead! I imagine floating around touching it, or just watching it from a boat. A space boat. B33 is a song about that. Space, a horse and a boat.” – härifrån.

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