måndag 21 juli 2008

En mycket bra låt

Mina vänner i The Second Band har släppt en mp3-singel som heter "No Song". Den var också med på Donkeyboys Recordings (det är vi som gör Club King Kong som är DNKYBYS) senaste samlingsskiva Med musiken i mitten vol. 3. Men nu finns den alltså med eget omslag och allt. Ladda ner singeln här: www.orangegrammofon.se/no_song.zip

Måste också skryta lite om att jag indirekt bidragit till texten. Efter att jag kommenterat en tidig version så hamnade delar av mina komentare i texten. Gissa vilka!

I started the sentence in mid November and ended it somewhere close to the end of May. It was the saddest words I ever spoke and the longest winter, I ever spent trying to wake up. And now I don't know where I will fit in and what's the point of making music no one listens to? I've got nothing, no education and career-ladder to climb. I've got nothing but time, to waste.

I haven't really got anyone on my team and this is not really a song it's more like scribbles in the margin of my to-do list. I can surely make a new copy of some great song someone else made, but I haven't got anything that is mine.

We recorded this song for the king kong compilation and they said that it was sad but altogether not that bad. Although I tried the best I could I was a little disappointed that the word didn't really tell anything important. I know exactly where we will fit in and that we lost whatever we had in the beginning. No we're nothing especially original, just another Swedish indie band made up of hetero middle class guys. Uhhu.
I haven't really got anyone on my team and this is not really a song it's more like scribbles in the margin of my to-do list. I can surely make a new copy of some great song someone else made, but I haven't got anything that is mine.

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